Cold weather, ice and snow are all part of the winter season and unless you take the proper steps, it will cause your deck to either collapse or become damaged. This is not just a liability but will also cause guests and family members to get hurt, which is something you definitely want to avoid. In order to help you prepare, here are three common deck issues to look out for that occur during the winter so that you can avoid damage and eliminate the risk of it collapsing.
- Too much weight. A deck cannot support an unlimited amount of weight, so in addition to your outdoor items, you will have to consider the added weight that comes with ice and snow to determine if your deck can support it all. Remember that cast iron or stone outdoor furniture is very heavy, especially when you factor in a BBQ set, umbrella stand, potted plants and anything else you may have. When snow piles up on top of it, the total weight will become even heavier, so it may be wise to pack away or remove some of your outdoor deck furniture before the first snowfall.
- Weak supports and railings. In order for your deck to have structural integrity, the supports must be in good condition and damage-free; otherwise, it may cause your deck to collapse. Supports must be in the right place and there should be no rust on any of the metal connectors. If there is concrete around the supports, it’s a good idea to check for cracks as this too can be very dangerous. Loose railings are also a serious problem as they will cause guests to fall and injure themselves. Your railings should be able to withstand some pressure and should not be wobbly in order for them to be considered safe. If you feel that your railings are unsteady, make sure you replace them immediately
- Snow build-up. In addition to the issue of weight, snow is a problem because excessive shovelling can cause gouges in your deck, which you’ll pay for in the spring. While shovelling is important, you have to be careful so that you don’t overdo it, especially with a metal shovel. As long as you don’t have a lot of items on your deck, it should be able to handle the weight of the snow.
These are just three helpful tips and TorOnCa can provide you with even more information regarding decks and how they should be cared for. If you’re in the Brampton, Milton, Vaughan or Mississauga areas and want a new deck installation or require deck repairs, give them a call today because they do it all!